[Qgis-developer] QGIS in Ubuntu 16.04

roy roy royroge at outlook.com
Tue Mar 28 07:33:31 PDT 2017

I wonder if someone has advice on how to have

QGIS and GRASS GIS installed on Ubuntu, the

QGIS packages with "ubuntugis" dependencies are now broken:


"Yesterday, UbuntuGIS got a GDAL 2.1.3 update, so QGIS need to be rebuilt
against that version."

Is it possible for QGIS to be rebuilt with the updated libraries?

I know QGIS is rebuild every month but will it be now?

You guys want to force me to use windows, you have to admit that! :-)

given that I (of course) appreciate the effort of maintainers,

thanks, Roy.

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