[QGIS-Developer] Converting plugins to QGIS 3

Raymond Nijssen r.nijssen at terglobo.nl
Wed May 10 12:11:58 PDT 2017

Hi Calvin,

Here are some thoughts on python imports:


The last paragraph is about using wildcards.


On 10-05-17 20:03, C Hamilton wrote:
> I am wondering how important it is to import the modules separately.
> Such as:
> from qgis.core import QGis, QgsCoordinateTransform, QgsRectangle,
> QgsPoint, QgsGeometry
> Does it really make a difference? I am finding that you have to make
> sure every part of your code is exercised so that nothing was missed. By
> doing the above there is more of a chance to have a bug. Perhaps for
> PyQt4.QtGui it makes sense, but there is less chance to have a python
> error if you keep.
> from qgis.core import *
> from PyQt4.QtGui import *
> from qgis.gui import *
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Calvin
> On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Luigi Pirelli <luipir at gmail.com
> <mailto:luipir at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     this is a slide about plugin porting I'll be presenting to the next
>     spanish foss4g:
>     http://slides.com/luigipirelli/desdarrolloplugindeqgis-xi-girona#/17
>     <http://slides.com/luigipirelli/desdarrolloplugindeqgis-xi-girona#/17>
>     sorry it's in spanish
>     about
>     from PyQt4 import QtGui
>     or
>     from PyQt4.QtGui import QDialog
>     I would prefer the second so to avoid to postpone lib version errors
>     at pyc time and not at runtime.
>     it make it simpler to mock or alias a class globally if you need
>     regards
>     Luigi Pirelli
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