[QGIS-Developer] Crash when "Discourage labels from covering features" is activated

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Mon May 29 05:20:03 PDT 2017

> There is a long-standing but elusive crash issue
> https://issues.qgis.org/issues/14752
> I've now narrowed it down to enabling "Discourage labels from covering
> features" for a particular point layer in the provided test project. I've
> also attached a recent crash dump from 2.14.15 to the ticket.
> It would be great if a developer could look into this.

Hi Anita,
I made some test of my own.

2.14.15 crashes on project load, as well as 2.18.9.

2.18.9 nightly does not crash on project load.


I tried load the point layer in 2.18.9 nightly in a blank project,
enable labels without the "Discourage labels from covering features"
option and if you zoom in/out quickly with the mouse wheel is easy
enough to make it crashes too...

all from osgeo4w.

-- Giovanni --

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