[QGIS-Developer] Replacing a dialogue with another at runtime with Python

Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 04:41:36 PDT 2017

Hi all

Is it possible to replace one of QGIS' dialogues with a custom one during
runtime by using Python?

My concrete goal is to replace the dialogue that shows when clicking the
'Add WMS/WMTS Layer' with something custom. I'd like to enhance the native
QGIS dialogue with additional elements for selecting additional dimensions,
like time or elevation.

Can this be done?

I'm thinking that I'd only have to replace whatever slot is currently
defined on the `iface.actionAddWmsLayer()` action with a custom function
that would load my UI instead. The problem is that I can't seem to find
where a signal's connected slots are stored with Qt.

Ideally there would be some introspection mechanism by which I'd be able to
retrieve which slots are associated with the action's `triggered` signal -
I can't seem to find it though. After knowing which slot(s) were connected
to the action's signal, I would presumably be able to `disconnect()` them
and then connect my own.

By looking at Qt's docs I thought that the QMetaObject class might be the
place to look, but I still cannot find anything that looks seems to hold
the registry of a signal's connected slots.

Thanks in advance :)

___________________________ ___ __
Ricardo Garcia Silva
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