[QGIS-Developer] Error with GRASS in Processing

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 04:34:12 PDT 2018

On 17 April 2018 at 21:26, Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.manghi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Matteo,
>> Should I fill a ticket?
> of course you should (for this case as for any other regression/bug as this)
> this is not right, and if fact it wasn't ever the case (to have also
> the CRS info when using the pick coordinate tool).

It may not be right for the GRASS provider (it isn't - this is a bug),
but for other providers it is, as this allows you to take advantage of
Processing 3.0's new transparent reprojection.


- canvas in 3857
- layers in 4326
- run the shortest path point-to-point alg, and pick a start/end
coordinate off the map. These will be in 3857 (respecting the canvas
crs), but when the alg runs it will reproject it to the required crs
(4326) without hassling the user and making them hate QGIS :)


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