[QGIS-Developer] REMIND Deadline 21Dec2018: Call for presentations and workshops for International QGIS UserConf
Luigi Pirelli
luipir at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 01:34:24 PST 2018
Next* International QGIS User Conference and Developer Meeting* will take
place in the week from *4 to 10 March 2019 in A Coruña (Spain).*
The call for presentations and workshops *registration in: http://2019.qgis.es/
*DEADLINE *to present proposals is* 21 Dec 2019*
any info can be asked to: *userconf2019 at qgis.es* <userconf2019 at qgis.es>
The International QGIS User and Developer Conference wants to be the
referential conference, and a meeting point for the family of users and
developers orbiting around the QGIS project, in order to gather experiences
and sharing knowledge about QGIS. The language of the Conference is English.
The event is organized by the *Spanish QGIS Association* [1], the Spanish
user group, and the Galician *Xeoinquedos* community [2] with the help of
*A Coruña municipality* [3]. The event is under the *QGIS.org* umbrella.
[1] http://qgis.es/
[2] https://xeoinquedos.wordpress.com/
[3] https://www.coruna.gal/
Luigi Pirelli on behalf of the organizer committee.
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