[QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3.4 preconfigured algorithm ?

FERRATON Alain (Chef de groupe) - SG/SPSSI/CPII/DOO/ET Alain.Ferraton at developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Tue Dec 18 00:39:49 PST 2018

Hi Nyall,

I come back to the issue...

I don't see how to make a model as full as a preconfigured algorithm. 
For example, how to introduce an input layer without the end user having 
to enter it?

The case that was processed under QGIS 2.16 is a little more sophisticated.
this is an example of epizootic crisis management.

Attached an example with a project file (algo.qgs) to decompress 
directly under c:\
and an agorithm model to copy under .qgis2\processing|models and under 
\preconfigured for the algorithm.

The condition for executing the preconfigured algorithm is the selection 
of one or more points of the "avicole" layer

I don't see how to automate in the same way with the modeler?


Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire (MTES)
Chef du groupe Expertise Technique

Le 08/12/2018 à 03:22, > Nyall Dawson (par Internet) a écrit :
> On Fri, 7 Dec 2018 at 22:22, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
>> Hi Alain,
>> Indeed - this feature seems to be missing in QGIS 3.x.
>> Note that the whole processing tools had been completely rewritten in QGIS 3.x and ported from Python to C++ Maybe that part hadn't been ported over yet.
>> I am cc'ing Nyall who did most of the work around the processing refactoring. Maybe he knows more why this functionality is missing in QGIS 3.x
> It'd take me a while to dig around and find the original
> conversations, but if I recall correctly this was dropped in the lead
> up to 3.0 as it was functionality which was seldom used and addressed
> use cases also covered in a nicer way by the graphical modeler.
> Nyall
>> Greetings,
>> Andreas
>> On 2018-12-07 11:46, FERRATON Alain (Chef de groupe) - SG/SPSSI/CPII/DOO/ET wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> it is a feature (little known?) that allows to create pre-configured algorithms by right-clicking on an algorithm (QGIS 2.16)
>> Regards
>> Alain
>> Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire (MTES)
>> Chef du groupe Expertise Technique
>> Le 07/12/2018 à 11:40, > Andreas Neumann (par Internet) a écrit :
>> Hi Alain,
>> Are you refering to "processing models"? The models defined in the processing model builder?
>> I am not sure I correctly understand what "preconfigured algorithms" mean?
>> Greetings,
>> Andreas
>> On 2018-12-07 11:16, FERRATON Alain (Chef de groupe) - SG/SPSSI/CPII/DOO/ET wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I put my request on the qgis-user list without success.
>> So I'm taking my chances on the developer list.
>> I can't find the possibility to make 'preconfigured algorithms' with QGIS 3.4?
>> Has this feature been removed?
>> how to do it?
>> regards,

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