[QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] Nominations for the QGIS Board and a short announcement from your Board Chair

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 12:51:25 PST 2018

Great chair Tim... the way you were able to focus the group.

Standing ovation! clap clap clap clap

Enjoy that time you'll save :)

a big hug.

Luigi Pirelli

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On 6 February 2018 at 16:16, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> wrote:

> Hi All
> It is nomination time again for the QGIS board! According to our charter
> [1] our Project Steering Committee and Board members shall serve for
> periods of two years at a time and then shall be eligible for re-election.
> In addition, new members for the Board and PSC can be nominated at these
> times. After the nominations, a vote will follow to decide how the PSC and
> Board will be made up for the next two years. If you are a QGIS Voting
> member (i.e. your name appears either here [2] as Community Voting Member
> or here [3] as Country User Group Voting Member), please take the time to
> make nominations. You should have already received an email invitation to
> the nominations form. If you have not, please contact me and I will resend
> it to you.
> On a personal note I would like to share that I will be standing down from
> the Board and PSC at the end of my tenure as chair. I will continue to
> participate in the QGIS community as a GIS Nerd :-) I am extremely honoured
> to have been able to serve as your first Board Chair. QGIS as a project has
> grown so much and we have many good processes in place to ensure that the
> project keeps growing and reaching more and more users with our special
> brand of Open Source GIS goodness. Standing down is not a decision I took
> lightly and being part of such an awesome community of developers, users,
> documenters, GIS Nerds has been a really awesome experience. From the
> humble beginnings of Gary Sherman starting QGIS 16 years ago and his
> subsequent generosity in opening up the source code to the world, QGIS is
> now being used in every corner of the world and in every sector of society.
> It has been great to be a part of seeing that happen, and I look forward to
> continuing the journey with you all under the new project Chair.
> Thank you all for the wonderful support you have shown me while I have
> served as Chair, now go out and use your votes to elect the next Chair who
> can lead QGIS on to bigger and better things!
> My very best regards
> Tim Sutton
> [1] https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/psc.html
> [2] https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/
> governance.html#community-voting-members
> [3] https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/usergroups.html#
> current-list-of-qgis-user-groups
> ---
> *Tim Sutton*
> QGIS Project Steering Committee Chair
> tim at qgis.org
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