[QGIS-Developer] Status of transaction support in Geopackages

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 03:21:12 PST 2018

> On 27/02/2018 11:12, Mark Johnson wrote:
>>>> that we get rid of the current provider and rely on GDAL only.
>> With the 'current provider' I assume you mean the Spatialite-Provider.
>> Please remember that the Spatialite-Provider was never designed to
>> support GeoPackage.
>> Please also remember that Gdal/Ogr does not support all aspects of
>> Spatialite
>> - writable SpatialViews are not supported
>> The present QgsOgrProvider does not support Spatialite-Tables with more
>> than 1 geometry properly.
> Would it be possible to add these to the QgsOgrProvider, or are there
> some limitations ?

Hi Hugo

Some technical opinion are available in related PR done by Mark to
propose a new Spatialite provider.
The general opinion is to check before if it make sense to remove
spatialite limitations in the gdal provider to sqlite.
There are also opinon that the PR is actually not so simple to review,
for the complexity and extension. Oslandia can do it if apport more to
his business.

IMHO I can't see any problem to merge it after review and have a new
or parallel spatialite provicer.

In any case, the Oslandia work related with custom osgeo4w packaging
(see madeira hackmeeting presentations in the event wiki) can simplify
the need to create a custom package with a packaged experimental
spatialite provier. This was the intent of the "extra" folder if I
well remember.
I invite Mark to give it a look.

Luigi Pirelli

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