[QGIS-Developer] Qt 6 plans

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Thu Jun 21 00:02:48 PDT 2018

On 21-06-18 03:17, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> If their time frame of November 2020 for a first release is kept (and
> we wait for Qt 6 for QGIS 4.0) then we'd be probably be looking
> roughly at a late 2021-mid 2022 timing for QGIS 4.0. (Put it in your
> calendars now so you don't forget to install the new version.)


What about putting some qgis.ics calendar file on qgis.org, so you can
put all Qt/QGIS/Grass/* releases, hackfests... from now until 2050 into
your calendar ;-)



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