[QGIS-Developer] QgsProcessing vector types combobox

Carlo A. Bertelli (Charta s.r.l.) carlo.bertelli at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 05:26:18 PDT 2018

May I support this request by Matteo?
When processing geometries, undesired multi-geometries are a frequent
outcome. It may even be useful to show the users that that the procedure
has a multi-geometry output. This usually means there are uplanned outcomes
and that the algorithm is not properly configured and/or is a wrong
solution for your problem.
Anyway, being able to precede a process with a multi-to-single algorithm
would be really convenient.
Thanks for pointing this out.

On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 9:27 AM Matteo Ghetta <matteo.ghetta at faunalia.eu>

> Hi devs,
> if I'm not wrong Processing script input combobox can filter some vector
> types [0] but does not distinguish between single and multi geometries.
> I think this could be useful to add. I faced a problem where an
> algorithm could not run with multipoint geometries, but I had to filter
> them after the RUN button was clicked
> Some opinions?
> Cheers
> Matteo
> [0] https://qgis.org/pyqgis/master/core/Processing/QgsProcessing.html
> --
> Matteo Ghetta - www.faunalia.eu
> QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
> https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=IT&q=qgis,arcgis
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Carlo A. Bertelli
   Charta servizi e sistemi per il territorio e la storia ambientale srl
          Dipendenze del palazzo Doria,
          vc. alla Chiesa della Maddalena 9/2 16124      Genova (Italy)
          tel./fax +39(0)10 2475439  +39 0108566195  mobile:+39 393 1590711
   e-mail: bertelli at chartasrl.eu      http://www.chartasrl.eu
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