[QGIS-Developer] Woohoo! Interactive Travis debugging

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 07:14:58 PDT 2018

Hey awesome!
Thanks for the pointer...

Le mar. 9 oct. 2018 à 05:18, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com> a écrit :

> The Job ID is displayed in the build log after expanding "Build system
> information".

or just in the URL ;)

> Once in the SSH session, these bash functions will come in handy to
> run the different phases in your build:
> https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/running-build-in-debug-mode/#Things-to-do-once-you-are-inside-the-debug-VM

I have been testing it and the main issue I had is that you cannot access
Or am I missing something?



Denis Rouzaud
denis at opengis.ch  <denis at opengis.ch>
+41 76 370 21 22
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