[QGIS-Developer] Should we disable Processing modeler for the next 3.4?

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 10:10:57 PDT 2018


I'm having really unreliable experience with processing modeler and grass
commands in master. Other have the same experience?

some problems has been already reported:

IMHO there are two big problems
1) lack of test for algs in modeler... kind of integration tests whilst
other part of processing are well covered.
2) There are not so many users moving models to 3.x => many use cases are
not covered yet.

probably mine is a narrow vision based in my little experience with
modeler, and I would be happy to discover that the problem is mostly mine.


Luigi Pirelli

p.s. my experience is mostly with compiled qgis on linux env

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