[QGIS-Developer] Update an intermediate table with selected features (many-to-many relationship)

Alice MARTIN alice.martin at tigeo.fr
Tue Sep 11 06:21:05 PDT 2018


I'm a QGIS user and I need information about a QGIS functionnality which 
doesn't exist yet to my knowledge. Here's my problem :

I have a PostgreSQL database with two tables :

- The first one contains geometry data defining hiking sections
- The second one contains a list of trails
One section can be linked to several trails, and a trail can be linked 
to several sections : it's a many-to-many relationship.

I then create an intermediate table to link trails with sections and use 
a QGIS project I've created to update it. I've set appropriate 
relationships in project's features. From there, when I click on a 
section with the "Identify Features" tool or in the attribute table's 
section, I can easily indicate which trail(s) is(are) linked.

However, I need to do this section by section : I can't select several 
sections at once and indicate in a few clicks which trail(s) are linked 
to the sections I've selected. Is it possible to do that with QGIS ? I 
couldn't find anything about it.

If such a feature isn't available, do you know if its under development 
or if there's a way to help to create this tool? Please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Alice Martin

Chargée de missions à TIGéo²
15, Rue de Jautzou - 81 000 ALBI
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