[QGIS-Developer] Using embedded widgets in the layer tree on a python plugin

Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com
Sun Sep 16 15:10:01 PDT 2018

Hi all (specially Martin Dobias)

I'm working on a plugin that will use embedded widgets in the layer tree. I
am using the following as reference:

-  Martin's PR that brought this feature into existence (thanks for that

-  This QGIS dev thread where Martin provides some more detail on how to
refresh the legend:

-  This stackexchange thread where the transparency slider is discussed:

-  The master branch of QGIS' repo

I'm starting out by just showing a simple QLabel in the layer's legend,
just as a proof of concept. I want my plugin to work with OGC services
layers (WMS, WFS, etc), meaning it shall only try to add widgets to layers
that are of these types.

I have roughly the following python code:

logger = partial(qgis.utils.QgsMessageLog.logMessage, tag=__name__)

class MyWidgetProvider(


    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        logger("Instantiating provider...")
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.creation_timestamp = int(time.time())

    def id(self):
        logger("id called")
        return "{}_{}".format(self.__class__.__name__,

    def name(self):
        logger("name called")
        return "My Widgetss"

    def createWidget(self, map_layer, widget_index):
        logger("createWidget called")
        widget = widgets.QLabel("hi world!")
        return widget

    def supportsLayer(self, map_layer):
        logger("supportsLayer called")
        provider = map_layer.dataProvider()
        name = provider.name()
        result = True if name in self.SUPPORTED_DATA_PROVIDERS else False
        logger("supportsLayer: {}".format(result),
        return result

This code kind of works, but I'm facing two problems at the moment:

1. The `MyWidgetProvider.supportsLayer()` method is never called. The
logging call does not show up on the console and I also see that my
provider is offered on WMS layers, but also on some local vector layers
(which is not what I intend). grep'ping around the QGIS' source code I
could not find some place where this method would be called and used, so
I'm wondering if this is implemented. I would expect this method to be
called when the layer properties dialog is opened, so that my provider
would get filtered out for layers that were of the wrong type;

2. This code does not update the legend for the layer, UNLESS it is a
vector layer. If I try to add this provider to a WMS layer, the legend is
not updated. If I add it to a shapefile, it works as expected. In order to
get my QLabel to show up on WMS layers, I have to manually run this in the
QGIS python shell:

view = iface.layerTreeView()

However, I am not seeing where in my plugin's code can I add this snippet.
I only want the layer tree to be updated AFTER my provider creates the
widget, but this moment seems to be out of my control. Also, I am puzzled
by the fact that vector layers work just fine while my raster (WMS) does

Thanks in advance for your help :)

Best regards

___________________________ ___ __
Ricardo Garcia Silva
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