[QGIS-Developer] cannot import processing algorithm in 3.6

Raymond Nijssen r.nijssen at terglobo.nl
Mon Apr 1 04:16:26 PDT 2019

Thank you Nyall!

Sorry for replying so late but I suddenly went on a busy 2 week trip abroad.

Last HF martin and I discussed the current geometry model and some of 
the flaws and weird things. Especially the set() and get() are not very 
logical function names to me.

To find out about the model I tested it using a script in the qgis 
python console. I'm still using it often to figure how to create and 
convert geometries. Hope it helps others as well. Would be nice for the 
cookbook maybe.

Kind regards,


p1 = QgsGeometry().fromWkt('point(0 0)')
print(p1) # <QgsGeometry: Point (0 0)>
print(p1.asPoint()) # <QgsPointXY: POINT(0 0)>
print(p1.centroid()) # <QgsGeometry: Point (0 0)>
print(p1.buffer(1, 1)) # <QgsGeometry: Polygon ((1 0, 0 -1, -1 0, 0 1, 1 
print(p1.get()) # <QgsPoint: Point (0 0)>

p2 = QgsPoint(1,2)
print(p2) # <QgsPoint: Point (1 2)>
p2g = QgsGeometry(p2)
print(p2g) # <QgsGeometry: Point (1 2)>
print(p2) # <QgsPoint: Point (1 2)>
print(p2.centroid()) # <QgsPoint: Point (1 2)>
print(QgsPointXY(p2.x(), p2.y())) # <QgsPointXY: POINT(1 2)>
#print(QgsGeometry(p2)) # <QgsGeometry: Point (1 2)>       !!! Converts 
p2 in place ? !!!
g = QgsGeometry()

p3 = QgsPointXY(2, 0)
print(p3) # <QgsPointXY: POINT(2 0)>
print(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(p3)) # <QgsGeometry: Point (2 0)>
print(QgsPoint(p3.x(), p3.y())) # <QgsPoint: Point (2 0)>

# lines

l1 = QgsGeometry().fromWkt('linestring((0 0, 1 1, 1 2))')
print(l1) # <QgsGeometry: LineString (0 0, 1 1, 1 0)>
print(l1.buffer(1, 1).asPolygon())
print(l1.asPolyline()) # [<QgsPointXY: POINT(0 0)>, <QgsPointXY: POINT(1 
1)>, <QgsPointXY: POINT(1 0)>]
#print(QgsLineString(l1.asPolyline())) # TypeError: index 0 has type 
'QgsPointXY' but 'QgsPoint' is expected

p1 = QgsPointXY(100,100)
p2 = QgsPoint(200,200)

l1 = QgsLineString()
l1.addVertex(QgsPoint(p1.x(), p1.y()))

pg1 = QgsGeometry().fromWkt('polygon((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))')
print(pg1) # <QgsGeometry: Polygon ((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))>

pg2 = pg1.get()
print(pg2) # <QgsPolygon: Polygon ((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))>

g = QgsGeometry()
print(g) # <QgsGeometry: Polygon ((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))>

On 21-03-19 09:43, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2019 at 15:59, Raymond Nijssen <r.nijssen at terglobo.nl> wrote:
>>>       def toLines(geom):
>>>           return QgsGeometry(geom.get().boundary())
>>> (Using https://qgis.org/pyqgis/master/core/QgsAbstractGeometry.html#qgis.core.QgsAbstractGeometry.boundary
>>> )
>>> Nyall
>> Thanks Nyall, that works!
> Great, thanks for the confirmation. And because I've got to do mapping
> all day, I'm in a good mood, and you get a free PyQGIS lesson:
> geom.get() : gives you the underlying fundamental geometry object
> attached to the feature. QgsFeature.geometry() returns a QgsGeometry
> object, which is more or less a "container" for geometries. It's got
> some convenient methods which apply to ALL geometry types, but
> sometimes you need to dig down to the actual geometry primitive. In
> that case you use geometry.get(), and you get the fundamental
> QgsPoint/QgsLineString/QgsPolygon/etc object. It's actually generally
> preferable to call "geometry.constGet()", IF you are doing some
> operation which doesn't alter the geometry in place (like you are
> here). But that's a complex microoptimisation.
> geom.get().boundary() gives you the topological boundary of the
> primitive. For polygons this is their exterior + interior rings, for
> lines it's their start and end point (unless it's a closed ring, in
> which case you get a null geometry). Points have no boundary. Using
> boundary() to convert polygons to lines is the most efficient method -
> it's very heavily optimised, and works perfectly with curved geometry
> types and maintains any Z or M values which may be present.
> Lastly, you need to wrap the result back up into a QgsGeometry object
> - hence QgsGeometry(....boundary() ). This is because most of QGIS API
> works with QgsGeometry objects (remember, they are like "containers"
> holding a geometry), and NOT the fundamental geometry objects.
> Done! A super-efficient, rock solid approach which will work with all
> input geometry types. Win!
> (for reference - this is what the polygons to lines algorithm actually
> does in the background too)
> Nyall
>>>> I will try tomorrow.
>>>> One last question, it seems to me like the old code is working again in
>>>> 3.7. Can you confirm that?
>>> Shouldn't be -- maybe you have a leftover .py file here?
>> Indeed. I did a clean install and it is not working in my 3.7 anymore.
>> Regards,
>> Raymond

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