[QGIS-Developer] FOSS4G CFP proposals around QGIS

Vincent Picavet (ml) vincent.ml at oslandia.com
Mon Apr 15 03:22:42 PDT 2019

Hello Andreas,

On 15/04/2019 12:17, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Today is the last day submitting workshop and presentation proposals.
> I wonder who/what was already submitted, so I could potentially help to
> fill in gaps?
> I could submit something around "tips&tricks with layouts/atlas/reports"
> (including usage of variables and expressions).
> How about
>   * QGIS server improvements (OGC validation, etc.)
>   * Behind the scenes of QGIS.ORG (it was presented in Dresden at
>     FOSSGIS by Anita and in A Coruna by myself; but I think not yet at a
>     FOSS4G conf)
>   * QGIS 3D (Lutra-guys - are you participating?)
> How about doing a workshop around 3D and mesh rendering?

We have submitted these talks ( or nearly ;-) related to QGIS :
- Running QGIS Server in production
- OS Tools for geology based on QGIS and PostGIS
- (no title yet) : a talk about QGIS adoption, market maturity and
evolution of the project

And the following workshops :
- 3D in PostGIS and QGIS
- QGIS Server and QWC2

I have read that the LOC wants talks "State of XXX" for all OSGeo
projects. Has someone already submitted a "State of QGIS" talk ?

Best regards,

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