[QGIS-Developer] QGIS Print Layouts Graphs and Charts – campaign deadline extended!

Totò Fiandaca pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com
Wed May 1 07:23:12 PDT 2019

Thank you very much Nyall

Il giorno mer 1 mag 2019 alle ore 12:54 Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com>
ha scritto:

> Hi lists!
> I'm sure most members of this list will already be familiar with the QGIS
> Print Layouts Graphs and Charts crowd funding which North Road are
> currently running in partnership with Faunalia.
> Unfortunately the required funds for this campaign weren’t raised within
> our original April 30 deadline. But, because both North Road and Faunalia
> very much want to see this work progress, we’ve decided to extend this
> campaign by an additional 30 days in the hopes that the users and
> organisations from the wider QGIS community will jump onboard and pledge
> the remaining required funds.
> This missing feature is a large gap in QGIS printing capabilities, so
> we’re counting on everyone to show their support and spread the word to the
> local user groups, QGIS users, and any other organisations you know of who
> rely on QGIS and would love to see its inbuilt reporting capabilities
> levelled up!
> More details about the campaign and the planned functionality are
> available at https://north-road.com/qgis-data-plotly-campaign/
> Regards,
> Nyall
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