[QGIS-Developer] What to do with evis?

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Tue May 14 00:13:51 PDT 2019

Hi Nyall

I agree evis can be removed... some users coming from gvSIG experience do
not match the user experience with actual way to browse, hilight, zoom
features. Their experience is based on the NavTable gvSIG plugin that have
all the feature already present in qgis core, but with slightly GUI
organisation. For this reason, Fran Sampayo has generated a NavTable plugin
for QGIS.


Luigi Pirelli

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On Tue, 14 May 2019 at 01:23, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> With Denis' recent PR adding native support for browsing
> features/tables  (see https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/9992), I think
> it's a good time to open discussion about the future of the evis
> plugin.
> In my understanding, browsing tables was one of the remaining
> compelling features which evis offered, and if we have a native
> integrated support for this then I doubt there's a good reason to keep
> dragging around the evis baggage with us.
> My 2c:
> - The plugin is well and truly abandoned and unmaintained. It's only
> seen fixes to keep it compiling for the last 5+ years. There's
> obviously no demand from the user or development community to extend
> this plugin. This either means the plugin is unused, or it's "feature
> complete". My gut feeling is the former, or we'd at least be seeing
> bug reports still flow in.
> - It's a substantial amount of code, and it does require work to keep
> it functional. If this work isn't needed, we're just wasting our time
> - It's a core c++ plugin, which we are trying to reduce. Again,
> there's been no movement from anyone I know of to port this to a
> not-installed-by-default python plugin (which is where it really
> belongs)
> If I'm not the only one thinking evis has reached it's eol, I would
> propose we:
> - Add a messagebar warning when the plugin is enabled/loaded on QGIS
> 3.8, stating that it is deprecated and will be removed in QGIS 3.10.
> - Link this message to a QGIS blog post detailing the reason for
> removal, which can clearly state that if users require the
> functionality they should contact the QGIS project to discuss funding
> a community maintained, Python version of the plugin
> - Remove it in 3.10.
> Thoughts?
> Nyall
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