[QGIS-Developer] Including libraries issue (Trying to get Plugin Approval)

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 15:02:17 PDT 2019

IMHO can be approved, there is no binary inside and all is pure python (no
binary at all)! I would only suggest to add pythonpath to use that
library only when necessary to avoid to interfere with distributed pillow
of pyqtchart (if will be available)

I can't see reasons to avoid merge, there are already many library packaged
in plugins to manage dependency. Usually including official weels instead
of replicating all the libs, but I can't see problem to customise (for any
reason) a third party library.

Luigi Pirelli

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On Thu, 10 Oct 2019 at 19:41, Matheus Fillipe <matheusfillipeag at gmail.com>

> Hello everyone!
> First of all I am not  sure if this is the right place to talk about this
> so excuse me in that case.
> I am a civil engineering student from a Brazilian university (UFV) and
> I've been working on a scholarship project of developing a Qgis plugin
> geometric road design, which will be also my graduation thesis. I am
> actually just in charge of continuing this project and trying to finish it
> since it started in qgis 2.x times. The project resides here:
> https://github.com/matheusfillipe/Topografia
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/59F3DFAA-BAB7-4B3A-86A6-5EADDF64E914@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmatheusfillipe%2FTopografia&recipient=cWdpcy1kZXZlbG9wZXJAbGlzdHMub3NnZW8ub3Jn>
> It is basically a tool to segment line layers, convert them to tables,
> creating circular and spiral curves over those layers, computing elevations
> over those points, defining cross sections and then computing volumes.  I
> thought it would be nice to have it on a easier to install way for the
> students on my university that's why I wanted it on the repo. Maybe I am
> wrong about that and that's not the focus of the main qgis plugin repo, I
> would be open to suggested alternatives if that's the case.
> The problem was that I used two libraries, PIL (Pillow, which is used as a
> fallback) and my own slightly modified fork of Pyqtgraph, which seems to be
> an issue for plugin approval:
> https://github.com/matheusfillipe/Topografia/issues/3
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/59F3DFAA-BAB7-4B3A-86A6-5EADDF64E914@getmailspring.com/1?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmatheusfillipe%2FTopografia%2Fissues%2F3&recipient=cWdpcy1kZXZlbG9wZXJAbGlzdHMub3NnZW8ub3Jn>
> I could  still remove PIllow but I wont have enough time for working in a
> way to use the standard PyQtGraph since my scholarship is over and that
> part of the project is finished. As I said in the issue report I didn't see
> nothing against using libraries in the plugins page of Qgis if that's
> allowed by their respective license and PyQtGraph is MIT.
> Anyway, my goal with this message is just to clarify if having this plugin
> on the standard qgis  repository is possible and what is it lacking.
> Thanks in advance!
> [image: Sent from Mailspring]
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