[QGIS-Developer] [Processing][Vector Geometry] Check Validity Algorithm

Jorge Gustavo Rocha jgr at di.uminho.pt
Fri Sep 27 08:24:02 PDT 2019

Hi João,

That would be great!

For the GEOS validation, you can get the list of errors from:

QStringLiteral( "topology validation error" ), QObject::tr( "Topology
validation error", "GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "repeated point" ), QObject::tr( "Repeated point", "GEOS
Error" )
QStringLiteral( "hole lies outside shell" ), QObject::tr( "Hole lies
outside shell", "GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "holes are nested" ), QObject::tr( "Holes are nested",
"GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "interior is disconnected" ), QObject::tr( "Interior is
disconnected", "GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "self-intersection" ), QObject::tr( "Self-intersection",
"GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "ring self-intersection" ), QObject::tr( "Ring
self-intersection", "GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "nested shells" ), QObject::tr( "Nested shells", "GEOS
Error" )
QStringLiteral( "duplicate rings" ), QObject::tr( "Duplicate rings",
"GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "too few points in geometry component" ), QObject::tr(
"Too few points in geometry component", "GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "invalid coordinate" ), QObject::tr( "Invalid
coordinate", "GEOS Error" )
QStringLiteral( "ring is not closed" ), QObject::tr( "Ring is not
closed", "GEOS Error" )

For the QGIS validation, you have to look at:

            QString msg = QObject::tr( "segment %1 of ring %2 of polygon
%3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7" )
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "ring %1 with less than four points"
).arg( i );
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "ring %1 not closed" ).arg( i );
    QString msg = QObject::tr( "line %1 with less than two points"
).arg( i );
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "line %1 contains %n duplicate node(s)
at %2", "number of duplicate nodes", n ).arg( i ).arg( j );
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "segments %1 and %2 of line %3
intersect at %4" ).arg( j ).arg( k ).arg( i ).arg( s.toString() );
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "Ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior
ring" ).arg( i ).arg( idx );

I hope it helps.

Best regards,

Jorge Gustavo

Às 15:20 de 27/09/19, João Gaspar escreveu:
> Hi devs,
> I need some guidance to help me find all possible error messages that
> are saved in the attribute table when we run the Check Validity
> Algorithm for both methods.
> This can be found in the source code?
> I search here but didn't find:
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/python/plugins/processing/algs/qgis/CheckValidity.py
> I'm asking this because this can be a good addition in the documentation
> to explain the errors that can occur to help understand what is what and
> why happens.
> Please feel free to give any advice.
> Thank you for your time.
> Cheers,
> João
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J. Gustavo
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Departamento de Informática
Universidade do Minho
4710-057 Braga
Gabinete 3.29 (Piso 3)
Tel: +351 253604480
Fax: +351 253604471
Móvel: +351 910333888
skype: nabocudnosor

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