[QGIS-Developer] using conda for development

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Mon Aug 3 04:45:55 PDT 2020

Hi Alexandre

On 8/3/20 9:55 AM, Alexandre Neto wrote:
> Hello Ari,
> A segunda, 3/08/2020, 06:51, Ari Meyer <ari.meyer at gmail.com 
> <mailto:ari.meyer at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>     I guess from Matthias' comments, though, your multi-platform build
>     requirements are beyond the scope of what conda can deliver?
>     Ari
> I think that what Mathias said is that what we have now, without 
> depending on others, just works. Moving to anything else, conda or 
> not, would involve a huge amount of work. Besides, there will always 
> be cross platform dependencies divergences anyway, whatever the system 
> is used.

Thanks for clarifying. I'd like to add that even if we will always have 
diverging dependencies, there is a lot of room for improvement. And we 
shouldn't take the impossible target as an excuse for making the gap 

It's also very nice to see all the evolution around conda I'm looking 
forward to the findings about pinning. One thing that I'd be interested 
in is knowing what it takes to setup our own version of conda forge 
(where we could possibly also install Qt from upstream packages to spare 
the troubles). Happy to discuss this further.


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