[QGIS-Developer] Updates to the way changelog entries are managed
Tim Sutton
tim at kartoza.com
Mon Jul 6 02:29:27 PDT 2020
Hi QGIS Devs and PSC
I just wanted to update you on some improvements we are making to the way the changelog is managed. As you know each release it is a bit of a chore getting the changelog into shape and out in a timely fashion. Most of the delays come in the post-editing of content, trying to make the PR text clear and understandable and consistent. Kartoza recently hired Charles (in CC) as a resident GIS geek and I have tasked him to maintain the Changelog as part of his open source contribution. What I have set up is this:
1) I have Charles (GitHub user: zacharlie) to the ‘Community’ GitHub group which has triage rights
2) Tasked Charles to read each PR that has a ‘Feature’ label as it comes in and in the comments section, nudge the author if the description is not clear / well described. Would be grateful if the PR gatekeepers could hold back on merging Feature PR’s that have issues, do not have a Changelog tag applied. Note that the English doesn’t need to be perfect (we are understanding that English may not be your mother toungue), the important thing is that the functionality is well described - we will tidy up the English in step 6 below.
3) Once the PR description is good, Charles will add the ‘Changelog’ tag to it.
4) Once the PR is merged, we will regularly Harvest the ‘Changelog tagged entries to the Changelog site.
5) We have added an additional tag on GitHub called ‘ChangelogHarvested’ which will be applied after and entry is harvested, and the Changelog tag then removed (and should bot be readied to avoid duplicates being pulled in).
6) The entry will then be tidied up on the changelog site ready for the release. Additional volunteers (e.g. Toto, Frank) who have helped in the past are warmly invited to help improve the clarity and consistency of the entries on the changelog site.
7) When the release comes near we just need the paid bug fixing entries added (usually managed by Andreas Neumann) and then Richard can pull the changelog to the QGIS web site.
I have started the Changelog for 3.16 here: https://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/version/3.16/
I hope that works for everyone, and that we get smoother changelog production in the future!
Tim Sutton
Co-founder: Kartoza
Honorary PSC Member and Ex-Project chair: QGIS.org <http://qgis.org/>
Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:
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Skype: timlinux
IRC: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
I'd love to connect. Here's my calendar link <https://calendly.com/timlinux/30min> to make finding time easy.
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