[QGIS-Developer] [SoC] GSoC 2020 - Coding Period Week 7 Report

BELGACEM NEDJIMA gb_nedjima at esi.dz
Sun Jul 19 12:54:23 PDT 2020

Hi all,
Here is my report of this week:

Tasks done:

   - Export rule based renderer entities with different materials for each
   - Code refactoring.
   - Export mesh layer position data to .obj file (with no material).
   - Export line geometries.
   - Export billboard entities as point materials.


   - A model of buildings with different materials generated with rule
   based renderer: mesh lab screenshot <https://imgur.com/uUDCgcg>.

Tasks to be done:

   - Export vector layer textured materials.
   - Review the implementation and merge it if possible.
   - Start working on next features.

Blocking issues:

   - Not really a blocking issue but I noticed that lines and points are
   not displayed correctly in a uniform way by different 3D software, for
   example MeshLab doesn't show lines or points if faces exist within the 3D

Any suggestion or feedback is always welcome.
Best wishes,

Belgacem Nedjima
4th year computer science and engineering student.
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