[QGIS-Developer] Deploying 3.10.8 LTR on Debian 10

Patrick Dunford enzedrailmaps at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 23:49:54 PDT 2020

OK so comparing dependencies has not found any that appear significant. 
Only differences found were in a couple of OpenJDK packages.


1. Create a list of packages and versions from the entire system using 

     dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package}|${Version}\n' >pkglist.txt

2. Compare two package lists using this Python script:

# pkgcheck.py
# compare package lists and version details

# declarations
import argparse

# set up command line argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='pkgcheck')

# get arguments
argList = sys.argv[1:]                              # drop the script 
name parameter
args = parser.parse_args(argList)
firstFile = args.firstfile
secondFile = args.secondfile

# read files as CSV
firstCSV = open(firstFile, mode = 'r')
firstPkgs = firstCSV.readlines()
secondCSV = open(secondFile, mode = 'r')
secondPkgs = secondCSV.readlines()
outFile = open('pkgcheck.txt','w+')
# first iteration with each line of firstPkgs look up in secondPkgs and 
print(firstFile + " >< " + secondFile)
for firstPkg in firstPkgs:
     firstLine = firstPkg.split('|')
     firstName = firstLine[0].strip('\n')
     firstVersion = firstLine[1].strip('\n')
     firstFound = False
     for secondPkg in secondPkgs:
         secondLine = secondPkg.split('|')
         secondName = secondLine[0].strip('\n')
         secondVersion = secondLine[1].strip('\n')
         if firstName == secondName:
             firstFound = True
             if firstVersion <> secondVersion:
                 outFile.write("Version Mismatch In Second: " + 
firstFile + ":: " + firstName + "::" + firstVersion + " <> " + 
secondFile + "::" + secondName + "::" + secondVersion + '\n')
     if firstFound == False:
                 outFile.write("Package Missing in Second: " + firstFile 
+ " :: " + firstName + " :: " + firstVersion + "\n")
# second iteration with each line of secondPkgs look up in firstPkgs and 
print(secondFile + " >< " + firstFile)
for secondPkg in secondPkgs:
     secondLine = secondPkg.split('|')
     secondName = secondLine[0].strip('\n')
     secondVersion = secondLine[1].strip('\n')
     secondFound = False
     for firstPkg in firstPkgs:
         firstLine = firstPkg.split('|')
         firstName = firstLine[0].strip('\n')
         firstVersion = firstLine[1].strip('\n')
         if firstName == secondName:
             secondFound = True
             if firstVersion <> secondVersion:
                 outFile.write("Version Mismatch In First: "  + 
secondFile + ":: " + secondName + "::" + secondVersion + " <> " + 
firstFile + "::" + firstName + "::" + firstVersion + "\n")
     if secondFound == False:
         outFile.write("Package Missing In First: " + secondFile + ":: " 
+ secondName + "::" + secondVersion + "\n")

The only version mismatches found were

openjdk-11-jre:amd64 11.0.8+10-1~deb10u1 <> openjdk-11-jre:amd64 

openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64 11.0.8+10-1~deb10u1 <> 
openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64 11.0.7+10-3~deb10u1

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