[QGIS-Developer] Changes in Travis-CI billing

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Nov 2 06:50:15 PST 2020

> QGIS might not be affected by this since we don't have more than 5
> concurrent builds.

That's not my understanding. The 1, 2 or 5 concurrent builds plans are paying 
plans if you look at https://travis-ci.com/organizations/qgis/plan .
The free plan of QGIS is subject to the 10,000 credits system.

For reference, OSGeo has a premium plan for 10 concurrent builds that costs 
5379 USD/year, and we have a 30% discount on it due to OSGeo being a non-
profit, bringing it to 3765 USD. (I've just written to Travis support to 
confirm that the OSGeo plan isn't affected by the changes)

> Anyway, I guess we could slowly move everything to Github workflows as we
> have had much better experience lately than on Travis.

That's going to be a urgent topic if my understanding is correct. Probably 
asking Travis support for one month worth of credits could be done for the 
time to transition, but not sure they'll be enthusiastic to do so if it isn't 
to switch to a paying plan.

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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