[QGIS-Developer] Vote for Lat Lon Tools Default Coordinate Order - YX or XY

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sat Nov 21 00:52:54 PST 2020

On 11/20/20 6:10 PM, C Hamilton wrote:
> It was suggested to me that the default coordinate order in the Lat Lon Tools plugin for coordinate capture and zoom-to tools should be "longitude, latitude" or "X, Y". Originally, Lat Lon Tools was designed to work with on-line maps which are generally "latitude, longitude" order.
> You can always go into the plugin settings and specify which order you want and that order will be preserved everytime you launch QGIS. The default order is only applicable the first time you install "Lat Lon Tools" or if you do a reset to defaults in the Lat Lon Tools settings menu,
> Who prefers Lat Lon Tools to default to "longitude, latitude" or "X, Y" when the plugin is first installed or reset to default values?
> Who prefers Lat Lon Tools to default to "latitude, longitude (Google map order)" or "Y, X" when the plugin is first installed or reset to default values?

I'm a little late on the table :-) As descision already cast: 
and fine with it, just want to add:

I'm not a geo-guy by original trade and working with scientists/911 peeps at the moment, who favour the math-way of exchanching coordinates (2 dimensional values): X,Y. 

If I were 'boss geo', I'd never use lonlat or latlon terms, only use (decimal!) degrees or x,y :-) 
(people tend to mix lat lon up all the time, they never do with x,y).

In my use-case, the Lat Lon Tools plugin is used in a very pluriform, international environment where coordinates from all kind of crs's are to be mixed/converted (often one pair at a time...). Why would you use YX in one crs and XY in other crs's? It's just not very efficient to have that choice. Just like meters/feet, point/comma delimeters in numbers etc etc. This screams for conversion issues ...

Ah, and while on it, let's all speak Esparanto (and keep the number of QGIS translation builds low) ;-)

Korajn salutojn,

Richard Duivenvoorde

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