[QGIS-Developer] In Identify Results: hiding (Derived) and (Actions) in treeview?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Oct 14 07:54:02 PDT 2020


Maybe introduce an "Action" to show "Derived" stuff ;-) just kidding. 

Honestly, I also hardly ever use the "Derived stuff" and I also find it
annoying that the "Derived" stuff is so prominent, even before the

But if they are hidden in folded state below the attributes, they
wouldn't bother me much. So could we perhaps place "Derived" after the

In the toolbar of the "Identify Results" panel there is already a button
for "Identify Settings". Perhaps we can add another setting here to
toggle the display of "Derived Properties"? 


On 2020-10-14 16:35, Alexandre Neto wrote:

> I find "derived" quite useful. You can immediately see things like area and perimeter of the feature, even if there's no field with that information. 
> Yet, a option to disable it is ok for me. 
> Best regards, 
> Alexandre Neto 
> A quarta, 14/10/2020, 14:42, Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmailings at duif.net> escreveu: 
>> Hi,
>> Whenever I click on a (vector) feature from a table with say 6 columns, QGIS presents me a treview in the 'Identify Results' panel which shows me (for every feature) these blocks 'Derived' and 'Actions'.
>> When I click in a 'crowded place' in which a lot of features are returned, I can open all leaves in the tree(view) but then my sight is pretty polluted by all this (to me very not interesting) facts about where I clicked and to see that I have one (View feature form) Action (I never use).
>> Are others 'seeing' this also as an usability issue?
>> Or am I missing a setting somewhere?
>> Would it be an idea (feature request) to maybe add an option (like the checkbox in the little tool-button menu there), with an option "Hide Derived and Actions"?
>> Or am I the only one which does never used this xtra info?
>> Regards,
>> Richard Duivenvoorde
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