[QGIS-Developer] bug or feature? layer_styles table created not in the public schema

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 14:38:03 PDT 2020

Hi all,
by chance I noticed the following:

If in a PostgreSQL DB exists a schema that has the same name as a user
that has full permissions on that schema, then if the user saves a
style to the DB this is saved in a  "layer_styles" table in this
schema, not public.

Moreover if the user tries to load a style from the DB it only sees
the styles in this "secondary" layer_styles table, not the one in

Feature or bug?

Seems strange it is by chance, anyway if it is implemented so by
design I think that in the "load style from DB" menu is missing the
option to choose in what schema look for, like the similar menu for
loading projects from DB.



-- G --

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