[QGIS-Developer] Add a WFS/WMS (or possibly any data source) from API
Etienne Trimaille
etienne.trimaille at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 03:21:00 PST 2021
Richard and I mentioned QgsSettings, this a link which can help :
Le mar. 16 févr. 2021 à 18:13, Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmailings at duif.net> a
écrit :
> On 2/16/21 9:13 AM, Janvier Thomas wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I’m looking for an automated/scriptable method to publish (and update)
> an organization-wide set of webservices.
> >
> > The idea is to deploy a “collection of data resources” as a collection
> of WMS/WFS, among an organization…
> >
> > It’s intended to be maintainable (update/add/remove links on-the-fly) so
> all coworkers will have access to the same datafeeds without having to
> manually add each URL (especially for non-expert users).
> >
> > My first thought was to provide a plugin that only job would be to
> register “connections” at launch and update the version of such plugin
> along with the connections list then deploy the update through an internal
> QGIS repo…
> >
> > But I did not find how to “register” the webservices through the API (I
> found tons of doc about how to request them to serve layers, nothing on the
> “add connection to sources”)…
> I do not think there is an api for such. There is (per provider) a way to
> save connections to a (provider specific) xml format.
> Maybe use that?
> Loading this (via the load button in the connections dialog) is not part
> of the api, but they are all private methods in
> QgsManageConnectionsDialog
> See for example the one for WFS:
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/src/gui/qgsmanageconnectionsdialog.cpp#L947
> of for postgres connections
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/src/gui/qgsmanageconnectionsdialog.cpp#L1041
> In essence it is nothing more then:
> - reading all connection props from the xml
> - write the (exact) right key/value pairs to users QSettings ( aka
> QGIS.ini of CURRENT profile )
> - emit QgsWFSSourceSelect.connectionsChanged signal (so dropdowns are
> updated)
> Difficult part here is that the code is part of the (non public) api/ui,
> so I do not think you can do this 'silently': the user will always be asked
> to 'overwrite' a (named) connection or not.
> So I think you should either 'mimic' (copy) all the 'loadXXXconnections'
> logic in python...
> OR QGIS could maybe make it possible to call these methods from python
> (make public and part of pyqgis), preferably adding an extra boolean
> 'askPermission' to NOT ask the user/skip gui part (but that will be future
> versions probably).
> I tested something, my make all the loadxxxconnections public in
> qgsmanageconnectionsdialog.h
> Then this works (in python, given aa.xml was a valid 'export' of my WFS
> connections):
> fh = QFile('/tmp/aa.xml')
> doc = QDomDocument()
> doc.setContent(fh)
> QgsManageConnectionsDialog().loadWfsConnections(doc, ['onelayerfrom
> connections.xml'])
> But I fail to fire up the QgsWFSSourceSelect.connectionsChanged ...
> I agree that having some kind of api would make it for larger
> organisations easier to deploy needed connections to all users.
> Another way I've seen people doing is really creating/read/write the
> QGIS.ini files, and merge them with the users ones...
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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