[QGIS-Developer] Function to generate uri from settings in QGIS

Bo Victor Thomsen bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 05:04:09 PST 2021

Ok, this has me stumped.

I know, that I can generate a database URI like this  (example from 

uri  =  QgsDataSourceUri()
# set host name, port, database name, username and password
uri.setConnection("localhost",  "5432",  "dbname",  "johny",  "xxx")
# set database schema, table name, geometry column and optionally
# subset (WHERE clause)
uri.setDataSource("public",  "roads",  "the_geom",  "cityid = 2643")

vlayer  =  QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(False),  "layer name you like",  "postgres")

But I would like to use information from a already defined Datasource 
connection from the Datamanager dialog.

I suspect, that there must be a 
"QgsSettingsConvertToUri_or_whatever_it_is_called()" function that uses 
a  QGS settings address  (ex. like "/PostgreSQL/connections/MyDatabase" 
for a Postgresql database connection)  as input and automatically 
convert the settings values to a URI string.

Is there anyone, that can point me in the right direction ?


Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Bo Victor Thomsen

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