[QGIS-Developer] Advanced installation by default in OSGeo4W Setup

Sébastien Peillet sebastien.peillet at oslandia.com
Thu Jun 17 00:08:29 PDT 2021

Hi !

The osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe could be launch in command line with the
following arguments:

    Command Line Options:
     -b --disable-buggy-antivirus      Disable known or suspected buggy
    anti virus
                                       software packages during execution.
     -g --upgrade-also                 also upgrade installed packages
     -o --delete-orphans               remove orphaned packages
     -n --no-shortcuts                 Disable creation of desktop and
    start menu
     -N --no-startmenu                 Disable creation of start menu
     -d --no-desktop                   Disable creation of desktop shortcut
     -r --no-replaceonreboot           Disable replacing in-use files on
     -k --autoaccept                   Accept all licenses
     -l --local-package-dir            Local package directory
     -m --menu-name                    Menu name
     -a --arch                         architecture to install (x86_64
    or x86)
     -R --root                         Root installation directory
     -q --quiet-mode                   Unattended setup mode
     -M --package-manager              Semi-attended chooser-only mode
     -h --help                         print help
     -p --proxy                        HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)
     -x --remove-packages              Specify packages to uninstall
     -c --remove-categories            Specify categories to uninstall
     -P --packages                     Specify packages to install
     -C --categories                   Specify entire categories to install
     -D --download                     Download from internet
     -L --local-install                Install from local directory
     -t --test                         Use setup_test.ini
     -A --advanced                     Advanced install (as opposed to
     -S --safe                         Safe Mode (Skip some admin actions)
     -s --site                         Download site
     -O --only-site                    Ignore all sites except for -s

I think you can make a shorcut of the osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe and then
add the -A parameter in the shorcut target (file properties).


On 17/06/2021 08:08, Giulio Fattori wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> is it possible to set "Advanced installation" by default in OSGeo4W Setup?
> Regards
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Sébastien Peillet

Ingénieur développement
sebastien.peillet at oslandia.com

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