[QGIS-Developer] How to Create a WMS-Time layer via PyQGIS?

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon May 10 01:33:16 PDT 2021


I've been able to create a vector with Temporal Properties and use it in 
the Temporal Controller [0]

Now I try to do the same for a WMS-Time layer...

The layer "precip-blue-transparent/nearest" (epsg:3857 or 28992)
from this service:
(our national Weather institute) loads fine and is usable in the 
Temporal Controller (PM5 = 5 min data, nice!)

Copying the uri from that layer properties and using it in pyqgis just 

uri = 

layer = QgsRasterLayer(uri, 'KNMI', "wms")

QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer, True)

If I try to use a 'cleaner' raster layer uri (thinking I could set some 
temporal properties on the layer later), I fail to get it 'registered' 
on the Temporal Controller OR even severe QGIS crashes (when you only 
leave out the 
part... see [1])

I thought to use the provider defaults (from WMS capabilities), to be 
able to for example change/set the temporal extent later:
layer_temporal_props = layer.temporalProperties( capabilities )
but... I cannot get to the WMS capabilities... (@Matthias: THAT is was 
searching in the api :-) )

This for example:

uri = 
layer = QgsRasterLayer(uri, 'KNMI', "wms")
QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer, True)

results in a valid WMS, but not Temporal aware layer.
And untill now I fail to 'make it temporal' via QGIS.

Anybody a hint (or tell me 'NYI' :-( ...)?


Richard Duivenvoorde


[1] uri = 

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