[QGIS-Developer] QGIS installation using conda on downloads page

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Wed May 19 05:49:58 PDT 2021


QGIS installation using conda seems to be quite stable for some time. We
provide the stable branch and the LTR that works on Windows, Linux and Mac

I have documented how to install QGIS using conda on my personal blog, but
I think it would be better to have it on QGIS Website.

This being said, is there any objections for adding the information in
https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html ?

Obviously, I should add something saying that this is an non-oficial way to
install QGIS and that any related bugs should be reported elsewhere.

Best regards,

Alexandre Neto
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