[QGIS-Developer] Use of NE(SW) in the showing of (ordered) coordinates within QGIS

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon Apr 11 23:27:09 PDT 2022

On 2022-04-11 14:38, Greg Troxel via QGIS-Developer wrote:

Thanks Greg,

I think we should never copy the characters, only numbers ( well, except 
when using W/S/E/N :-) )..

I also understood from somebody that when using latlon coordinates the 
minus sign is actually redundant, as you should use the WSEN?

> Part of the underlying trouble is that in qgis/proj we blur:
>   datum
>   projection
> into
>   CRS
> except that some CRS are datum only, and some are datum+projection.

But isn't that the 'difference' in what QGIS (in the CRS dialog) calls 
'Geographic Coordinate Systems' vs 'Projected Coordinate Systems'?

So: that would make (?): if crs.isGeographic() [0] we should/could use 
WSEN, and if not then we should NOT use WSEN (and optionally x/y if that 
is more clear)... except when copying coordinates, because that would 
mess up parsers :-)




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