[QGIS-Developer] createAlgorithmDialog in Processing script (within plugin)

Germán Carrillo carrillo.german at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 07:17:13 PDT 2022

Hi Matteo,

I've been successfully using *execAlgorithmDialog()* instead [0]:

*processing.execAlgorithmDialog("my_provider:my_algorithm", params)*

where, *params* is a dict with the pre-filled values you have. You can see
an example at [1].



El lun, 1 ago 2022 a las 15:23, matteo via QGIS-Developer (<
qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>) escribió:

> Hi all,
> I've a set of custom processing scripts within a plugin (that is both
> "normal" and processing provider plugin).
> I'm trying to executing the dialog of these algorithm from one of the
> main plugin file. I found the processing.createAlgorithmDialog [0], but
> it is constantly crashing when I'm passing the instance of the algorithm:
> my_alg = MyCustomAlg()
> my_dialog = my_alg.createAlgorithmDialog(custom_dict)
> ## crash here
> Thinking it was a problem of the threads I also tried to overwrite the
> `flag` method in the algorithm by setting also
> QgsProcessingAlgorithm.FlagNoThreading but with the same results.
> I know I can run the processing algorithm with processing.run(....) but
> I need to open the dialog pre-filled with custom parameters and to get
> also some other outputs besides the standard ones (like the
> QgsFeatureSink path)
> Thanks for any suggestion
> Cheers
> Matteo
> [0]
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/python/plugins/processing/tools/general.py#L155
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