[QGIS-Developer] Import DWG\DXF use curves option

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon Oct 10 08:29:03 PDT 2022

On 10/10/22 17:11, Alexandre Neto via QGIS-Developer wrote:
> Hi,
> Not sure of a feature or a bug, but shouldn't disabling the "use curves" in the Import DWG\DXF tool output non-compound curve geometries?
> I am getting curves even with the option turned of.

Mmm, seeing this message... could the following be maybe related?

Recently I created a Polygon with a hole, and copied one feature (WKT output), and also was presented with a 'CompoundCurve' part in it (while all was square)...

MultiPolygon (((6.13102839454553816 52.75093214925507823, 6.130964672425808 52.74717640996099277, 6.14539911649133597 52.7466899769035038, 6.14536915982601872 52.75123707754761426, 6.13102839454553816 52.75093214925507823), CompoundCurve ((6.13427151349723498 52.75005518140639538, 6.13467440942566444 52.7482075319318966, 6.14346286447305268 52.7477566482503093, 6.14241109067726665 52.74974024139419271, 6.13427151349723498 52.75005518140639538))))

For reference: I created a quick MultiPolygon type Memory layer, as 2 rectangles(!)

This is above feature as GeoJson:


Could this be related?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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