[QGIS-Developer] Error building QGIS under Windows 10

james at shaeffer.co james at shaeffer.co
Thu Sep 1 09:29:23 PDT 2022

I've recently been on a journey to build QGIS using Visual Studio 2022 and
have been successful so far, updating msvc_env.bat, configonly.bat and
package-nightly.cmd and getting a qgis.sln file to work with. When building
the ALL_BUILD project, I received only one failed project.


Here is the failed project in question:


------ Build started: Project: synccrsdb, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64

Running crssync

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
247,5): error MSB8066: Custom build for
ists.txt' exited with code -1073741515.

Done building project "synccrsdb.vcxproj" -- FAILED.


I'm not sure why the project is failing and could use some insight into what
the cause might be. Thanks.




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