[QGIS-Developer] Report for Qt-for-python evaluation

Julien Cabieces julien.cabieces at oslandia.com
Mon Dec 4 08:30:43 PST 2023

Hi PSC, devs,

I wanted to report for the work being done regarding Qt-for-python evaluation.

This work was funded by QGIS.org using a special budget first allocated to Denis Rouzaud, who transferred it to me regarding the work that I had done on it recently.

Main goal was to set up a functionning CI and trigger python tests on QGIS core to better ascertain the feasability of providing a python binding using Qt-for-python instead of PyQt.

I managed to this and tried to fix as many issues as possible using the allocated remaining time.

You can find more details on the QEP [0]

If we decide to continue in that direction, I imagine the following steps could be to fix even more tests and issues on qgis core before eventually trying to wrap other modules (gui, analysis).


[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/237#issuecomment-1839008093


Julien Cabieces
Senior Developer at Oslandia
julien.cabieces at oslandia.com

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