[QGIS-Developer] Transition from QtWebKit to QtWebEngine in qgis2web (QGIS plugin)
Julien Moura (Oslandia)
julien.moura at oslandia.com
Thu Aug 1 05:17:14 PDT 2024
Hi Andrea,
We're currently working on this question on QTribu
> What is the correct way to have users install the qtwebengine dependency?
On Debian and derived: |sudo apt install python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine|
On Windows, it seems that it's already included in the MSI package and
standard QGIS installation with OSGeo4W.|
Hope it helps,
Le 30/07/2024 à 11:29, Info O.GIS via QGIS-Developer a écrit :
> Good morning developers,
> I managed to get qtwebengine working in qgis2web.
> For some reason qtwebkit didn't need to set a window width while
> qtwebengine did, so with this code I solved it
> self.preview.setMinimumWidth(650)
> *Request:*
> What is the correct way to have users install the qtwebengine dependency?
> I wrote this code and it works fine but I only tested it on
> windows. Is this the correct way?
> try:
> if system == 'Windows':
> pip_exec = os.path.join(sysconfig.get_path("scripts"),
> "pip3")
> env = os.environ.copy()
> if full_proxy_url:
> env['http_proxy'] = full_proxy_url
> env['https_proxy'] = full_proxy_url
> subprocess.check_call([pip_exec, "install",
> "--upgrade", "PyQtWebEngine==5.15.6"], env=env)
> elif system == 'Linux':
> subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "apt-get", "install",
> "python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine"])
> elif system == 'Darwin': # macOS
> subprocess.check_call(["brew", "install", "pyqt5"])
> Many thanks
> *Andrea Ordonselli*
> *O.GIS - **opengis.it*
> Dainfo at opengis.it
> Ajan at dalheimer.de
> Ccqgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
> DataTue, 9 Jul 2024 17:46:39 +0200
> OggettoRe: [QGIS-Developer] Transition from QtWebKit to QtWebEngine in
> qgis2web (QGIS plugin)
> Thanks Jan Dalheimer
> Thanks Jean-Baptiste Peter
> From your answers I understood many things.
> I tried both to use QGIS 3.38.0 installed in win10 via .msi and the
> version via OSGeo4W setup; In the first case I added qtwebengine via
> "pip install qtwebengine", in the second case I installed the
> "python3-pyqtwebengine" package via OsGeo4w setup
> In both installations I get the same result: QtWebEngine it does not
> work well
> I also tried to create a new test plugin and I get the same result, I
> can't even view a web page. Is there an example of a basic plugin that
> I can see? Or can someone create it?
> *The clue:*
> If I use qt designer to insert a QtWebEngineView into the plugin
> graphics it works well, even when setting a static web page.
> But if I open QGIS that plugin won't work, why does this happen? I
> would therefore think that it is just a question of dependency .
> For now I noticed this:
> 1) From QGIS version 3.38.0 I can use "from
> qgis.PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets import *" instead of "from
> PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import *"
> 2) with qgis 3.38.0 .msi installation this dependency is missing:
> qt5-devel (5.15.13-1)
> Qt5 headers and libraries (Development)
> Required by: python3-pyqtwebengine
> 3) with OSGeo4W setup these dependencies are required:
> python3-core (3.12.4-1)
> Python core interpreter and runtime
> Required by: python3-pyqtwebengine, python3-pyqt5, python3-pyqt5-sip
> python3-pyqt5 (5.15.10-1)
> Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit
> Required by: python3-pyqtwebengine
> python3-pyqt5-sip (12.13.0-1)
> The sip module support for PyQt5
> Required by: python3-pyqtwebengine, python3-pyqt5
> qt5-devel (5.15.13-1)
> Qt5 headers and libraries (Development)
> Required by: python3-pyqtwebengine
> qt5-libs (5.15.13-1)
> Qt5 runtime libraries
> Required by: python3-pyqtwebengine, python3-pyqt5, qt5-devel,
> qtwebkit-libs
> Thank you all
> *Andrea Ordonselli*
> *OpenGIS.it*
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