[QGIS-Developer] Overview of QGIS 3 and (Py)Qt versions

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Mon Aug 26 07:45:26 PDT 2024

Sander Schaminee via QGIS-Developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>

> I am looking for an overview of all (stable) 3.x QGIS versions and
> their (Py)Qt versions. Does that exist?

I suspect your question is making assumptions that you aren't listing.

First, I would say there are only two stable versions usually: the most
recent release and the most recent LTR.  That would be 3.34.10 and
3.38.2.  (The website is really awkward in terms of finding sources with
version numbers, vs getting something labeled -latest.)

With qgis built from pkgsrc, I have


but if I were to update pkgsrc to 3.38.2, I'd have the same py-qt

I suspect you are asking about packaging distributions of not just qgis
but qgis+dependencies.  Ther are N of those and probably N answers.

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