[QGIS-Developer] Overview of QGIS 3 and (Py)Qt versions

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Mon Aug 26 14:45:16 PDT 2024

Sander Schaminee via QGIS-Developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>

I am seeing the version I have installed as 5.15.11.  Looking at:


I see that 5.6 was released on April 28, 2016.

> To elaborate, I am actually interested in one thing only: 
> I am looking for the QGIS version at which PyQt 5.6 (or higher) was introduced and/or the QGIS version at which PyQt 5.5 (or lower) could no longer be used.
> The reason is that there's a breaking change in the PyQt API from 5.6 on.

That's quite a different question!  I would suspect that if you clone
the git repo, and search for the removed function, you might find out
something.  Or check out the release that was current on April 1, 2016
and grep there, and then see what happened to that file.

I would be very surprised if you found anything other than

  qgis trunk, and soon qgis active release branches, got support for
  working with 5.6 sometimes in 2015 or 2016

  there is still an ifdef/configure test for compliing with 5.5, or more
  likely it was removed several years later.
Or just unpacked 3.34.10 and search Changelog for 5.6.  There's a lot.

> If this question cannot be answered due to the complex nature of dependency management in QGIS/OSGeo4W, then that's also an answer.
> In that case, I will have to do a dual implementation.

Are you really having to deal with installs that have code that is more
than 8 years old?

Perhaps relevant:

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