[QGIS-Developer] pre-commit for code-formatting

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 01:27:41 PST 2024

Dear devs,

A quick update on the recent work I pushed concerning the code-formatting.

Flake8 and black have been introduced for Python files and I am
progressively introducing clang-format for our cpp code.

All these tools are now configured individually as pre-commit instead of
globally called from prepare_commit.sh.

You can enable this by calling:
pre-commit install
(add -f if you had prepare_commit.sh set as a pre-commit hook before).

This work is still ongoing, and some files are still handled by
prepare_commit.sh. But it is defined as a local repo in the pre-commit
config. This means that you don't have to care about this :)

If you have any suggestions to improve the tools or formatting options,
this is all very welcome.

For more details:
pre-commit config:
clang-format config: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/.clang-format

Best regards,
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