[QGIS-Developer] WKT from QgsGeometry incompatible with OGR

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Jul 5 23:56:24 PDT 2024

> Both formats are compliant with the WKT specifications.

Are they? I may have missed something in the Simple Features spec, but 
looking at https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=25355 , I can't see 
where it would allow the form {geometryTypeName}Z without a space 
between {geometryTypeName} and Z.

For example the BNF at page 56 shows:

<point z tagged text> ::= point z <point z text>

The examples at page 62 also show a space.


> Nyall
>     A minimal example is below. Executing it will return an exception:
>     "RuntimeError: OGR Error: Corrupt data"
>     from osgeo import ogr
>     qgis_geometyry = QgsGeometry().fromWkt("POINT Z (0 0 0)")
>     wkt = qgis_geometyry.asWkt() # 'PointZ (0 0 0)'
>     ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt)
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