[QGIS-Developer] Compile QGIS into a DLL in Windows Environment

Catania, Luke A ERDC-RDE-GRL-VA CIV Luke.A.Catania at erdc.dren.mil
Thu Jun 6 15:32:13 PDT 2024

I don't program in C#, but our team is looking to create a custom front end Landing Page/Dashboard in C# where QGIS would be an application running within this front end would also launch other custom apps we have developed all inside a C# window/container.

So looking to compile QGIS into a DLL so that C# code can access the main application entry point and open it within a C# window.

Can this be done and is there is a step by step guide to compile QGIS and can it be compiled into a DLL and do what I am describing.

Hoping I am explaining it well enough that someone can understand what I am trying to do and point one of our team developers to any step by step instructions.

Appreciate any help,
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