[QGIS-Developer] UX of Raster Legend in the QGIS Layers Panel

Niklas Alt, HIL niklas.alt at uni-marburg.de
Fri Jun 7 00:37:48 PDT 2024

Dear Allesssandro,

Thank you for the suggestion. I just did that, for any one interested in 
the discussion it is available at:


Best Wishes,


On 07.06.24 09:17, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Hi Niklas,
> thank you for your ideas, why don't you file an "enhancement" ticket on 
> github so that people can discuss it there?
> Attaching a few mockups about your proposed changes would also be helpful.
> Kind regards.
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 9:12 AM Niklas Alt via QGIS-Developer 
> <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>> 
> wrote:
>     Dear QGIS Developers,
>     I am a long time user, first time subscriber to this list. I am active
>     though for some years within the local
>     OSGeo Chapter of Germany FOSSGIS (and the QGIS user group), so some
>     people on the list might be able
>     to put a face on this message.
>     I am always expressing my gratitude to the QGIS dev-community in
>     personal, so let me start with a big thank you.
>     I have been using QGIS for the last 10 years and our community has come
>     a long way.
>     Now to my issue: A few versions back QGIS has started to expand raster
>     files with a legend, once they are
>     added to the layer-panel. We are working mostly with georeferenced
>     historical maps, so for the most part
>     the maps are simple RGB files with transparency. And often we add
>     dozens
>     of maps which make up a city.
>     Leading to long lists of expanded legends informing about the fact that
>     all maps are made up of RGB color bands.
>     Additionaly we are relying on the opacity slider, which can be added to
>     the layer tree, allowing for a convenient
>     way to control the opacity of the added maps. However the slider is
>     only
>     visible when the map is expanded in the layer-panel.
>     I have posted a while back on mastodon and have added some images for
>     illustrative purposes:
>     https://fedihum.org/@oshistory/111821429135997460
>     <https://fedihum.org/@oshistory/111821429135997460>
>     Perhaps the following alterations might be considered for an
>     improved UX:
>        - new raster layers are collapsed by default (users who need to
>     inspect the legend can toggle it)
>        - users can decided if they want the legend to  be displayed. This
>     could for instance be set within the Legend
>          Tab of the Layer Properties panel. In fact, there already is an
>     option to use a placeholder, maybe a simple boolean
>          checkbox could serve as a graphical control item
>        - maybe the legend and other UI Elements (like the mentioned opacity
>     slider) could be seperated.
>     Best Wishes,
>     Niklas Alt, Marburg, Germany
>     -- 
>     Niklas Alt  Wiss. MA. Hessisches Institut für Landesgeschichte
>     Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 6C 35032 Marburg fon +49 (0)6421 28-91759 fax -24799
>     Hinweise zur Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie
>     unterhttps://hlgl.hessen.de/datenschutzhinweise
>     <http://hlgl.hessen.de/datenschutzhinweise>
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>     QGIS-Developer at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:QGIS-Developer at lists.osgeo.org>
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> -- 
> Alessandro Pasotti
> QCooperative: www.qcooperative.net <https://www.qcooperative.net>
> ItOpen: www.itopen.it <http://www.itopen.it>

Niklas Alt  Wiss. MA., Hessisches Institut für Landesgeschichte
(ehem. Hessisches Landesamt für geschichtl. Landeskunde)
Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 6C 35032 Marburg fon +49 (0)6421 28-91759 fax -24799

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