[QGIS-Developer] C Hamilton Plugin Continunity

Abdul Raheem Siddiqui abdulraheemsiddiqui at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 07:32:42 PDT 2024

Thank you for your contributions. Enjoy your retirement. I have been using
your search layers plugin for a long time.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2024, 10:30 AM C Hamilton via QGIS-Developer <
qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi QGIS Developers,
> As many of you know, I developed 12 QGIS plugins. I will be retired by the
> end of the month. NGA is supposed to take over maintenance of most of those
> plugins, but at this point in time they don't have anyone who is really
> qualified so I am not sure what will actually happen. If this does not
> happen and someone finds a problem with any of them, let me know and I will
> jump in and try to fix it, but I am going to let the process unfold to see
> what happens.
> If I can find a way to get paid for QGIS training or development then I am
> interested in continuing to do some work, but I am also going to enjoy
> retirement. Contact me if you need anything.
> https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/user/hamiltoncj/
> Thanks,
> Calvin
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