[QGIS-Developer] C Hamilton Plugin Continunity

Emma Hain emma at north-road.com
Tue Jun 18 17:41:54 PDT 2024

Hi All
This is very interesting and a real part of OS software management in
regards to maintainance once the creator wishes to retire (and rightly
so!). On top of that, if the ownership sits with an organisation. For
clarification, does NGA or do you, Calvin, own them?

I imagine if it is from one person to another, this is an informal
handover, but what happens when it is an organisation? Does an Assignment
of Ownership need to take place?


On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 04:41, Catania, Luke A ERDC-RDE-GRL-VA CIV via
QGIS-Developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Calvin,
> Thanks for your contribution.  We use the Lat/Lon and MGRS Tools in our
> Joint Construction Management System (JCMS) Site Selection Plugin for QGIS
> that I am a lead developer on.
> Here at ERDC-GRL and AGC in Alexandria, VA, we have always had a
> connection with NGA.  We hope NGA finds a developer who can continue
> maintaining the tools.
> Luke
> *From:* QGIS-Developer <qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> *On
> Behalf Of *C Hamilton via QGIS-Developer
> *Sent:* Friday, June 14, 2024 10:30 AM
> *To:* qgis-developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
> *Subject:* [QGIS-Developer] C Hamilton Plugin Continunity
> Hi QGIS Developers,
> As many of you know, I developed 12 QGIS plugins. I will be retired by the
> end of the month. NGA is supposed to take over maintenance of most of those
> plugins, but at this point in time they don't have anyone who is really
> qualified so I am not sure what will actually happen. If this does not
> happen and someone finds a problem with any of them, let me know and I will
> jump in and try to fix it, but I am going to let the process unfold to see
> what happens.
> If I can find a way to get paid for QGIS training or development then I am
> interested in continuing to do some work, but I am also going to enjoy
> retirement. Contact me if you need anything.
> Blockedhttps://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/user/hamiltoncj/Blocked
> Thanks,
> Calvin
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Emma Hain — Product Manager/Senior GIS Analyst
emma at north-road.com
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*North Road*
Cartography • Development • Spatial Analysis
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