[QGIS-Developer] Maintainance of QGIS Plugin repository

Jorge Gustavo Rocha jgr at di.uminho.pt
Thu May 2 11:26:55 PDT 2024

Hi Tim,

We already have a problem managing plugins.

The situation will be no better in the future. My suggestion is not to 
add an additional problem, just to solve the current one. I understand 
your point and opening comments can be a problem. But can also add 
valuable information about the plugins. It is a tradeoff.

I would allow comments from authenticated users [1], without any 
moderation. The purpose is to get evaluations and feedback from several 
users, not from just one user. It works well, as far as I know, at 
Wordpress as I mentiones, and many more software with plugins.

It makes sense to be open text, to raise questions, security and privacy 
issues and point out features not available in any predefined list of 

Maybe in the future we can discuss this again, when we have 10k plugins ;-)

Best regards,


[1] Quote from GNOME Extensions: "Unfortunately, to help prevent spam, 
we require that you log in to GNOME Shell Extensions 
<https://extensions.gnome.org/accounts/login/> in order to post a 
comment or report an error. You understand, right?"

On 01/05/24 23:59, Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi Jorge!
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 11:03 PM Jorge Gustavo Rocha via 
> QGIS-Developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>     Hi Admire,
>     Thank you for helping with the plugins.
>     I think we can lower the administration time, if we can enable
>     reviews by the users. Not just voting (that we already have), but
>     written reviews. Written reviews can address issues you mentioned:
>     - Duplication of functionality. Plugin functionality already
>     exists in QGIS.
>     - Plugins containing binaries (and related problems)
>     - Plugins which are a fork of an existing plugin
>     - Etc
>     As an example, Wordpress has about 60k plugins [1]. The submission
>     process and rules are similar [2]. But the credibility about each
>     plugin is mostly based on user's reviews, votes and number of
>     downloads.
>     Basically, we already almost the same data as wordpress about
>     plugins, but we miss user's reviews. User's reviews can add value.
> My concern here would be that we create a new problem: Having to 
> moderate the comments. Maybe we could use a simple like/dislike and/or 
> predefined lists of comments (e..g "Works great", "Doesnt work on 
> Linux", "Doesnt work on macOS" etc.).
> Regards
> Tim
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tim Sutton
> Kartoza Co-Founder
> Visit http://kartoza.com to find out about open source:
>  * Desktop GIS programming services
>  * Geospatial web development
> * GIS Training
> * Consulting Services
> Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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