[QGIS-Developer] Renaming a plugin directory?

Johannes Kröger (WhereGroup) johannes.kroeger at wheregroup.com
Fri Oct 11 04:30:35 PDT 2024

Hi there!

Wonderful people from Oslandia have started collaborating on our 
experimental (and somewhat buggy) Profile Manager plugin.


One of the changes was restructuring the repository and using a 
PEP8-compliant directory name for the plugin's module directory 
("profile_manager" instead of "profile-manager").

Now the automated CI/CD upload of new releases fails. Presumably because 
the site expects "profile_manager".

Would it be possible to update that on the plugin's existing Plugins 
repository entry?

I saw 
but that was only for the user visible name, the plugin's URL and the 
installed directory name stayed the same.

What would it mean for existing users?
Would they simply not be notified about new releases, and have to 
install the "new" plugin manually?
Or would something break and require manual intervention, e.g. two 
version of the plugin being installed and loaded, one in 
plugins/profile_manager and the old one in plugins/profile-manager?

Cheers, Hannes

Johannes Kröger / GIS-Entwickler/-Berater

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